Florence 2001 – 2006

Unique free-standing sculptural book, can assume different forms for display e.g. circle, semi-circle, spiral, open circle. Can be opened up to be read and viewed like a scroll retro and verso. Each is hand-painted in watercolour on 200gm Fabriano paper and includes a scene from Boboli Gardens in the interior part of the circle and paintings of flowers punctuating the artist’s prose poem “Secret Gardens”, which is hand-written in red ink on the external part. The flowers and plants and their positioning are unique to each work. Twelve versions of this piece have been produced to date, each varying in size, but approximately 10 x 70.7cm (size of sheet when stretched open) for the smaller ones, and 21.3 x 162cm for the larger versions. Each version is signed and dated by the artist.